Tag: Roleplaying
Earthen Ring Day 8 progress Isle of Thunder
Stage 2 is unlocked.
Earthen Ring Day 7 progress Isle of Thunder
Day 7, We’re 96% complete. Hopefully we’ll have bases tomorrow instead of that ship.
Isle of Giants pets
I’ve managed 3 of the 4 pets so far on the Isle of Giants. Also collecting those bones.
Earthen Ring Day 6 progress Isle of Thunder
Progress on Isle of Thunder, Day 6. I’m hoping maybe next week we’ll have more of the Island unlocked. Book is currently Honored with the Kirin Tor Offensive.
Earthen Ring Day 5 Progress Isle of Thunder
Didn’t get the percentages today, but we’re progressing
Earthen Ring Day 4 Progress, Isle of Thunder
Saurok disguise
Dagger in the Dark Scenario
The Dagger in the Dark scenario with 5.2 the Throne of Thunder became available to Alliance. So of course I had to test it out. I must say it was much shorter than the A Little Patience that the Alliance got. I’m just curious does the Horde become humans when they play that one? Or…
Earthen Ring, Day 3 Isle of Thunder
33% through stage 1