Starting a new blog series. Why Blizz favors the Horde/Alliance. For the first one we have the Starting areas of Panderia. Several people as soon as they got off the boat wanted to get past Jade Forest into Valley of the Four Winds & the cooking trainers in Half-Hill. The Alliance definitely had the shorter…
Tag: Games
Ahead of the Curve
I internally applied as a raider with my guild. This is what happened the first raid day after applying. Did decent on the fight. My dps is a little low, but that will come with gear improvement and better fights to show off what I can do.
Daily Journal: Working on the Pandaren Spirit Tamers
Did LFR with an old guild mate on my priestess. Then worked on Pandaren Spirit Tamers. I managed to get them all defeated. I picked the Pandaren Fire Spirit since I’d gotten 1 as a gift from a guild mate & the other 2 off the auction house.  Managed to get a Humanoid Battle…
Daily Journal: I have 4 character to level through Panderia
 I had to wake up early today they replaced the sliding glass door which had cracked in the heat. Did the DQ thing for food then ran out to Walgreens for my prescription. Came back and did Pinnacle of Storms LFR on Naturebook. Got a primal egg so I’m hoping for a mount I haven’t gotten yet….
Found WeakAura for Soothing Tailsman of the Shado-Pan Assault trinket
Found a good weak aura for my various characters using the trinket Soothing Tailsman of the Shado-Pan Assault. Triple click the source code to make sure you get it all. Sevyvia 90 Night Elf Priest You don’t need the spell ID, you can simply shift-click the trinket into WeakAuras. Anyway. [sourcecode wraplines=”false”]dSt0eaGljP2MkXmreZLIA2uYHf6Mie3McFdbddv2jkTxYUf1(vj1pLu6VOyCisVwsXqLknyuvmCfois5usK0XuuNJISqK0sriTyevlxPhkjXtHESu1Zv1PLYuvXKLW0P6IiuttL6zsQUUiBerzRsKyZkY2Lk(os1xLi1NPuZtssldv5YGrRsY4LioPK4wOQ6AiX5LOwhQk1Oqvj)wWAwhHnHvYoStXEWCL(q(nxHTuyiMeIjcXShAKW0LOvicnsyiPczel8fox9D1eQ2KqdHfcl0ryFWkS6i2zXYjwEImkemXJ0luU5QZDBAMJunXpL6ITUiJabcCMMjWXDZzIJ3fcAIFkuKlSCTttp4IS7leMj9cbk8QZJh3fcx0e)3ueUGDlKpLhGqhkXtlimL9TzBdRoc)byzXgnaXoZRo3nNWMdgSrdqSMUPWzsUWyV3c5xhHVhxxhHfbgBRaDrUqBRaDMPnAaclneRHwAJpFtwdYfc)qkxiSs2HDk2dMPvuuB(nxRbKnhdb74vvhSTfwey(qkxiQYLl0Hs80ccRKDyNI9GzAffH8BU0qSgAPn(M7gOdlT0gFIafTOzAPn(MPL24nfHXCZi6TqwhHVhxxhHE5biCSWdUWXcp4c)R2wUg5cnITSoc9Ydq4yHhCHJfEWfoswpixUqFB22WQJqV8ae(E0tVWFawwSrdqSZ8QZDZjmLHoq2fgtEqyF69GbZvTcqO3mGcHPhyA5oW(GOke6azxyvcbRIa9818P7gSx4)R5dFvXbJsvy6bMuU5IQW0dm)aSSyJgGOkS5GbB0aeRPBkCMeMEGP5GbB0aev5cBfcXU0UMpNTLRrySOO5TqoAX4BZ2g2xhXoRJqFB22WQJqV8ae(E0tVWug6azxym5bHJaDyzcdyJEyfwvHPhygb6WkYfcDGSlSBGoSc)e5qhi7DxyQvIqSlXKqIWuU5chwXYWkCeOdRxEaILt4a2Ei7JaDyfskfHPhygW2dzFeOdROk8tKdDGSJPPPwjczQcn8WGhAe9im9atk3Crvy6bMrGoSE5biQchW2dzFeOdltyaB0dRWQkxyk7BZ2gwDKlxUWCY4SnBByFXYtOviwOJW0dm9wX)fvHBWc0rOrYYB6ixUW0dm)a6f5ctpW0hmip6IQWFa96i0iz5nDe7SOkwEIQC5c7TI)RJWVLTTaHDjAfIXJC5clP2PPhCrg)eUWntGB2ebsjToVzU6AI)BkYf2rSZ3CCYLa[/sourcecode] This will play…
Daily Journal: VP capping a second character
Woke up. Banfield was calling to check on Hudson. Cat’s doing fine. Being a lazy bum. Addon updates: DBM – LibDataBroker, Tidy Plates, IceHUD, Symbiosis Hunterbook – learned the Magnificent Hide Pack. Shammybook – learned the Glyph of Skull Bash. Shubook – did her daily & leveled to 64. Naturebook – did Pinnacle of Storms….
Done today
updated my add ons, SexyMap, BattlePetCount & TradeSkillMaster_Crafting. Shammybook – inscription research. Glyph of Chaining Hunterbook – leather working research. Crafted Dreadful Gladiator’s Ironskin Gloves. Some AH checking. Shubook – daily monk quest. AH posting of previous mined ore. Shepardbook – queued for Pinnacle of Storms LFR. Tabbed out & missed the first queue pop….
Saturday night is alright for fighting
Saturday night is my Skype night with my RL friends now that we are scattered more across the US. We frequently do things in WoW as well. I was in a leveling mood so I suggested brand new alts on a new server. My friend Ashnew stated she’d never picked Horde side on a Panda…
Rogue’s Gallery Updated
I’m getting the urge to update about my World of Warcraft characters… Aka Book and the Library. I’ve done this quite a few times before. First up is Book. You may notice if you go back through the old posts that she looks quite different now. She sort of got a big bonk on the…
LFR Shenanigans
The Halls of Flesh-Shaping branch of the Throne of Thunder raid finder opened today. All I can say was OMG!!!!! It was kinda difficult. First boss I heard average was around 9 wipes before it could be defeated. Crazy. So I got this photo on Primordius while we were waiting on a tank. It’s a…