Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:22 @demonasolace Next time. # 01:23 @jephjacques Please take Nashville’s guitars. Most don’t know what to do with them. # 01:53 1889 Rep points more until I have the Ambassador Title!!!! # 03:04 Guess what…. I am now AMBASSADOR BOOK # 11:46 Awake. Maybe today I’ll work on…
Category: Uncategorized
Ambassador Book’s Quest Log
Image via Wikipedia Yes, I made it to Ambassador of the Alliance! Ok so my goals are so far. Collect lots of pets Loremaster title (it will be a while yet, but I’m 467/700 for the Eastern Kingdom & for 287/700 Kalimdor) Level 80 (now at 52) Explorer title (it will still be a while…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:41 In Memphis. Had dinner. Little WoW then sleep. # 04:12 Death Knight name that amused me "UnholyBubba" # 11:04 Awake. # 11:13 @devlynmoreland Donuts??? # 11:14 @devlynmoreland Donuts are a food group! # 11:16 @demonasolace Hueys?????? # 18:06 Nashville. Just switched drivers. Approx ETA is 9 pm….
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:20 I just informed McDonald that he has gone beyond claws to talons. # 01:27 Making plans for a run to Memphis tomorrow. # 12:26 @demonasolace yes just woke up. Getting dressed now. # 12:38 Sent to you by Tanya via Google Reader: ARMY OF DARKNESS via Lolcats…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 12:40 Awake. @lethann are you running a fever? # 12:45 @lethann do you not have a thermometer at your house? # 12:49 I am not being allowed up. twitpic.com/3ensa # 13:34 @Billtcat69 yes go file today so it will kick in as soon as possible. # 18:21 Did…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 06:17 Sometimes I wish I had something obscure yet profound to say. # 15:06 Awake. Yawn. # 16:36 Kinda good news. I am canceled for work tonight. # 21:15 Earthen Ring is down. Guess I’m playing Horde tonight. # 21:49 @devlynmoreland Thorium Brotherhood # 21:53 @devlynmoreland I’m still…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 08:50 Mcdonald is giving me a talking too. I’m not too sure of the subject but he’s being very vocal about it. # 14:30 Just woke up. And my electricity is off. # 14:56 Power just came back on. # 14:57 Patching WoW. Grumble. And on the good…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 02:12 I am over on the server Bill plays Horde on. Playing with my Tauren Druid. Why? needed change of pace # 03:06 3 am… Now I’ll lay down. I have to be up at 3 pm for work. # 13:10 Awake. Didn’t sleep too badly for switching…
Book’s Quest Log
Image via Wikipedia Felwood Timbermaw Ally (yellow) – Kill bunch of things & return Forces of Jaedenar (yellow) – Kill bunch of things & return The Corruption of the Jadefire (orange) – Kill bunch of things & return Verifying the Corruption (orange) – Explore certain area, Kill bunch of things & return Cleansing Felwood (red)…
Georgia Aquarium
100_1772 Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik Went to the Georgia Aquarium today with Quutar & Lethann & Kirastorm. The divers were cleaning the Beluga Whale tank while we were there. The male Nico went and bit one of the diver’s flippers. It was cute to see, but the trainers don’t like it when this happens…