I liked it. You learn some of the secrets from Wolverine’s past. You meet Nightcrawler. He sort of scared me at first. He looks very frightening. Jean Gray is having problems with her powers. You see more of Iceman (Bobby) and Rogue which I really enjoyed. They are still teens, but forces are shaping thier…
Category: Uncategorized
Almost over with. I got my grades. An A in OB. Whew! I hated the clinicals in that class exept for Antepartum and the Newborn Nursery. I don’t like whiney laboring women. It was horrid. And a C in Peds. I hated the tests & projects for that class. Loved the clinicals. Not enough to…
I’m back from the NSNA national convention in Phoenix, AZ. I really enjoyed it out there. Photos. I got a lot of information. I talked to Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville. They accept new grads into the Level 1 Trauma ER. So does Erlanger in Chattanooga. I’m familar with Vandy’s reputation. Never heard of…
It was a good night. I really have a hard time dealing with the stupidity of some people. 2 cops came in to be checked out. The got jumped on a DV call. It looked like it was a pretty nasty fight. yawn… I’m going to bed.
I’ve got a new toy. I love new toys. 🙂 It’s a NET MD by Walkman. MD stands for MiniDisc in this instance. If I record my MP3s I get about 5 hours of play time out of each disc. Much better than what I get for my regular CD player. Also it fits my…
called in to work today. He said he needed to stay home and take care of me. That I had been to the ER with a reaction to my smallpox vaccine. (I had, but it was Tues night.)
Boo’s big adventure
Boo is in big trouble. We had the windows open since it was so hot yesterday. I had a raging headache as a side effect from the small pox vaccine. I took my migrane meds and laid down. Well I awoke at 2 am. I saw Ceasar, but not Boo. Well I rattled the Treats…
I got my smallpox vaccine last week. I’ve got a nice blister-like sore on my arm. That means it took and I’ll be immune to the small pox. Everyone asks me why I volunteered to get the vaccine. I work in an Emergency Room that is a Level 2 Trauma Center. Who know what sort…
Gods & Generals
How long has it been since a movie had an intermission? Well this one has one. It is almost 4 hours long. This is one of the most accurate films about the War between the States. I found the dialogue a little boring, but the battles are great. They focused on the generals that were…
Today was a lazy day. I just read for quite a while