Well I finally got my laptop back from the Geek Squad. Man were they annoying in not being ready when they told me. Told me 24 hours. At 23 hrs I called, they said 1-2 hours. At 25 hours I show up, they tell me “sometime this evening, maybe not before 6pm.” At 26 hours…
Category: Uncategorized
Who’s Who Nomination
I got a letter in the mail today. I have been nominated for Manchester’s Who’s Who as a biographical candidate for the 2005/2006 “Honors Edition” of their registery. I’d like to know who nominated me.
life as I know it
The wedding that I had so much emotional trouble with is over. It was beautiful. I want to be loved like that. Is it too much to ask? It’s hailing outside. I just hope my window doesn’t get busted again. The guys from Hibbett Sports in Kimball, TN are my new heros. I was developing…
100_6578 Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik. When I was at Laura’s we went to Burgess Falls. It was gorgeous. Lots of hiking. Look at the blowup of the photo. There is a rainbow in the falls.
Memphis Flyer :: Issue 848 :: Going Medieval
Memphis Flyer :: Issue 848 :: Going Medieval Article about Beltaine XXX
DSC00209 Originally uploaded by Laura777. This is my former roommate’s mother’s cat Wally. He’s a big boy.
Cat Person Profile Quiz
–Do you think of your cats as the “furry kids?” Yep. But we don’t have to send them to college. –Do you think cat hair in your food is a good source of protein? Protein, no. Fiber on the other hand . . . . –Have you often slept on the very edge of the…
What is this? Stargate?
100_6455 Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik. This just reminded me of something off of StarGate or some other SciFi movie. It’s a dam in Northeast Tennessee.
The Fiends Invade Cookville…
Now that the fiends have finished laying waste to Memphis. We will be reuniting tomorrow (without our trainees) to deal with Cookville. It should go faster without the trainings and fiendlet. That’s why Memphis took 6 years before we all left. 🙂 [translation I’m going to Cookville tomorrow to help Laura move in.]
Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion
Grocery Store Wars | Join the Organic Rebellion LOL.