Emily H. Butterfield (original) Originally uploaded by lambdachialpha. I don’t know where he got the photo, but it was tagged with Alpha Gamma Delta at Flickr.
Category: Uncategorized
Nice folks at Kinko’s
I went to Kinko’s today to get them to transfer agd’s forms from 3 1/4″ floppy to my USB drive. The manager did this very quickly and for FREE. And was also really nice about it. Not my normal experince with Kinko’s.
NCLEX Style Study Question
Attempt to answer the following question in the comments. This forward will be removed after the correct answer is posted in the comments. Don’t miss a post! For easy to subscribe options please visit to get everything to come to you! A client will be having a D&C (Dilatation & Curettage) tomorrow morning for retained…
Your Stripper Song
Your Stipper Song Is My Love Is Like … Wo by Mya “My love is like…wo My kiss is like…wo My touch is like…wo” You’re the full package – and you let everyone know it! What Song Should You Strip To?
FA Davis
Just got off the phone with the geeks from FA Davis. They seem to be the tech braintrust. They seemed disappointed that server space was free for me (thanks to Laura) and that the RSS was done by a FREE Open Source Software program. They were a little concerned with my connection to Drexel, but…
User icons
I’ve got to find me a few more usericons. LJ has changed their free to 6 from 3. It probably happend a long time ago, but I never noticed it until now. Hmmm. I may use some of my Flickr photos
Sorry Mikey
My wifi router crapped out on me for a few minutes.
I’m bored
I have skype up…. Username: NursingStudio Also have AIM drHD404 & YIM agdtanyarn
WP Plugins DB: Amazon Wishlist
got it
Today I got it The Ball a blue tooth trackball. The scroll wheel moves so smoothly it’s wonderful and the track ball glides in it’s slot. I’m more used to a thumball trackball so this will take some getting used to. But I have to go to work now instead.