The move is over. Mostly. I still have to go back and clean. I’m exhausted.
Category: Uncategorized
What type of Fae are you?
What type of Fae are you? told me I need to take this because her’s and ‘s were fairly acurate. I think mine’s fairly accurate.
Tech Made Easy Blog
Well the Tech Made Easy blog is comming along. My mother still doesn’t realize that’s she’s reading a blog. I’m working her up to that point. We’re up to 4 subscriber’s & the main authors have been through the round’s once already and I’ve got some guest authors picking up later and 2 new main…
I just love work….
6:30 get the pt 6:45 get report from the transferring nurse and she starts out with “I have….” I interrupted with “No, I have him. He’s already here.” I was really pissed…… 6:50 get chewed out by the doctor because he wanted the pt in the ER, not as a direct admit Suffice to say,…
Rejected Tennesse Tourism Slogans
Snatched from Flickr TN group Chattanooga: Rock City: On a cloudy day, see 2 states Ruby Falls: Save yourself the trouble and buy the post card. Incline Railway: World’s Steepest Tourist Trap. Memphis: Graceland: Childhood home of Michael Jackson’s ex-wife. The Pyramid: This whole place can be yours, just name your price! Ample Parking! Peabody…
Post it Note Post
I originally wrote this on post it notes. Each bullet is a new post it note: *Simplicity is key *It takes a Nurse to save your life! *Why do I love notebooks? *Why do I love Post-it notes? *Why do I never write in notebooks? *I don’t want to commit. *Post-it notes are temporary. *Writing…
Google Calendar
Google’s calendar at is now up and taking sign ups. I got in. You have the ability to import iCal calendars. It also does outlook as well. Now someone needs to make a hack so you can sync the calendars…… Found it… Google to iCal
from Lynne
Memphis Facts • Memphis was named by American Heritage Magazine as the Great American Place for 1998. • Memphis is the Pork Barbecue Capital of the World. • Memphis’ Official City flower is a shrub, the crepe myrtle. • Memphis’ Official City tree is the dogwood. • Memphis is the home of the first Greyhound…
going hiking today Doe River Gourge. Gotta run.
NCLEX Style Study Question
Originally published at Nursing Studio. Please leave any comments there. Attempt to answer the following question in the comments. New commenters will be held for moderation. This forward will be removed after the correct answer is posted in the comments. I try to post the correct answer after 10 attempts to answer have been made….