Why am I doing the series of paperdoll posts? I feel like Second Life is a combo chat room, shopping mall, and paperdolls. So I need to show off my paperdolls. Even if I didn’t create some of the stuff. Hair: Novice in Brunette by ETD Skin: New Youk Day for dark from Tete a…
Category: Uncategorized
Hair: Novice in Brunette by ETD Skins: New York Day dark from Tete a Pied Jewelry: 1er Arro deconstruit from Dazzle Shoes: Betty by KC Dress: Shayla from Dazzle
Skin: Swirl Light from PixelSkin Hair: Life in Blue from ETD Jewelry: 1er Arro turquoise from Dazzle Clothes: Simple Dress pack, Heavenly skirt & top by Camie Cooper **** A man and his wife are dining at a table in a plush restaurant, and the husband keeps staring at an old drunken lady swigging her…
The boyz have been extra lovey tonight. Boo & McDonald have lay on top of me all night and purred. I have felt very loved. **** I was in the Express Lane at the store, quietly fuming. Completely ignoring the sign, the woman ahead of me had slipped into the check-out line pushing a cart…
Hair: Layered Bob by HoseQueen Skin: Charmed Skin Tone 20 RL Pink 2 by Starley Shoes: Betty by KC (I’m using seafoam here, the shoes are color change) Jewlrey & Dress: Embroidered Silk Dress by Mistress Midnight Eyes: Deep brown by Mistress Midnight Comment or IM me in game for TP’s. *** Because they had…
Fiendcon was lots of fun. Everyone but Arwen was able to make it. We all went shopping and spent way too much money. I bought some tea mixes. I don’t even like tea, but this was some good stuff. Got started in Second Life and she also purchased a black iPod Nano. hehehe. We are…
Subscription Updates…
Originally published at Nursing Studio. Please leave any comments there. If you are subscribed to this blog via FeedBlitz email please consider visiting my subscription page and changing to the new email delivery service. I like the look of this one much better and I will be phasing out the FeedBlitz service. Podshow PDN {podshow-02a3104b738cfb76b0c4dedee757ecf0}
First night off orientation
So tonight was my first night off orientation at the new job. Left Atlanta on Sun night so I could be here. Parents didn’t come visit so that I could go to work on time. What did I do? I was on call. The entire night. This always happens to me. I come off orientation…
Nurse’s Notes
Originally published at Nursing Studio. Please leave any comments there. I alluded to this in the last podcast, but now I’m ready to release what I’ve been working on. It’s my reference notebook. At lot of it will be geared to things I need to look up in a hurry when I’m at work. I…
More relay for life items added in comments
More relay for life items have been added to my previous post in the comments.