Diggnation #72 This is a clip show. It is freaking hilarious, but a little bit of acquired humor.
Category: Uncategorized
Memo from Torchwood main board to Torchwood staff regarding core values mostly aimed at Torchwood 3. Restaurant Sign from Quu amused me.
Democracy 1 is up. It’s supposed to fix the memory leak. The Release Candidate 1 is up for Windows right now. Also, the source is up in a tarball. We’ll have a Mac build in the morning. http://www.getdemocracy.com
We really need a fileserver
Me & are really needing a fileserver (or at least I am) with the amount of video I’ve been working with. And I thought 100 GB would be enough of a hard drive when I got my laptop. Now I’m in need of a fileserver to hold all my video/audio files. So I guess a…
CBS learns that downloading leads to more TV watching….
According to a CBS poll downloading TV episodes leads to more TV watching Kinda like the VHS recordings lead to more people staying loyal to TV shows (plus saw the ads over & over even though they were on fast forward). Downloading is good people. Creates fans who are willing to spend money.
sprained ankle
Man am I accident prone here lately. I triped and sprained my ankle yesterday. I thought it would be okay so I went on into work. And walking around at work HURT. It swelled so much I hardly could get my shoe off. Anyway had to go down to the ER. I had ripped some…
Character anaylsis for Cptn Jack Harkness in the form of PicSpam (lots of pictures) Yummy!
Gacked from Kestrel
Who are You??? Everyone has a personality of a cartoon character. Have you ever asked yourself what cartoon character do you most resemble? A group of investigators got together and analyzed the personalities of well known and modern cartoon characters. The information that was gathered was made into this test. Answer all the questions (only…
New crack source…
It’s like a new crack source…. The Pirate Bay now has a TV section. They have Torchwood, but not Doctor Who.
Ok, Playing it’s a small world…..
Indira Varma who played Susie on the First episode of Torchwood is playing a neurologist on 3 lbs.