I’m working on the 1922 part. It’s coming along nicely and I’ll post it here, but I need info for the 1926 part now. Gertrude Ederle becomes the first woman to swim the English Channel-1 vote Great Miami Hurricane over 100 killed League of Nations abolishes all types of slavery worldwide- 5 votes Hurricane kills…
Category: Uncategorized
interesting note
I was amusing myself by checking out the line of succession to the Bristh Throne. Did you know Prince Phillip, The Duke of Edinburgh (Queen’s consort) is in the line to the Throne in his own right by birth? Granted he is #468, but he’s in there.
First they came…. by Martin Niemoller
First they came for the Communists, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak up, because I wasn’t a Jew. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn’t speak up, because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by…
Poll: 1922 events
I need help with which events to list in the time, please vote for 3 of the following First successful insulin treatment of diabetes – 5 votes First issue of Reader’s Digest – 4 votes Construction begins on Yankee Stadium – 1 vote The Lincoln Memorial is dedicated – 3 votes Benito Mussolini becomes the…
Memo from Santa
Memo from Santa: I regret to inform you that, effective immediately, I will no longer serve the States of Alabama, Georgia, Florida, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Tennessee, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, and Missouri on Christmas Eve. Due to the overwhelming current population of the earth, my contract was renegotiated by North American Fairies and Elves…
Washington DC , 20510 Dear Senator Sarbanes, As a native Marylander and excellent customer of the Internal Revenue Service, I am writing to ask for your assistance. I have contacted the Department of Homeland Security in an effort to determine the process for becoming an illegal alien and they referred me to you. My primary…
fun with algebra
If we use the variable x=Tanya with a migraine and the variable y=dueling code rooms and the variable z=Tanya happy Then x + y ≠ z powered by performancing firefox
Torchwood is renewed!!!
BBC2 has won rights to the second season of Torchwood you have to register to read the article powered by performancing firefox
I forgot to blog….
They think Joey may be colorblind. The sister-in-law’s father has color blindness and Joey’s having trouble in school telling the reds/greens/browns apart. powered by performancing firefox
Dexter w/ Spoilers
So I’ve been watching Dexter this season. All this is going behind an LJ cut and s p o i l e r s for since she uses a RSS reader. Anyway as soon as I figured out Rudy was the Ice Truck Killer, I knew he was targeting Debra Morgan. But it’s kinda nice…