On my SL Fashion Notes blog our most popular post on marketing isn’t even on the front page and it’s still getting the most hits!
Category: Uncategorized
boo’s exposing the kitty belly. Wants attention very much. I slept until 1:30 pm today. To Do: make new SL icon for WordPress. (or better yet, several I can rotate
points:1196, points need for reward 18,804
Posted using <a href=”http://www.livejournal.com/chat/”>LJ Talk</a>…
I just got hit by the GreatHatsby IM spambot . Apparently it’s hitting recent LJ posts
slept from 7:30 p to 7:00 a
It is now 5pm. I have been awake since 10 pm last night. Trying to readjust my sleeping so I don’t die of fatigue my first night back at work Thursday. If I can just stay up until 8p. Sleep majority messed up.
Image Reward994 points….19,006 until next prize
Security Cat
Security Cat Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik. I made a lolcat with McDonald French Fry (yes that’s his name). He would rather have French Fries than cheeseburgers. And he’s a very good security cat.
😀 Originally uploaded by merry. They caught the cheeseburgler!
Watching the movie The Brothers Grimm…. Yum Matt Damon & Heath Ledger, but the plot has really lost my attention. Image Reward I’m up to 886 points. 19,114 until I qualify for $. I know you’re not really interested in it, but I like to keep track of these things.