Seesmic video of me rambling. I used Laura’s laptop to do it since I don’t have a webcam.
Category: Uncategorized
What Flower Are You?
I am aCanna What Flower Are You?
What Time of Day are you? Quiz
February 7, 2008 Untitled
The links of the day that I have loved and really feel the need to share. If Banner Ads Were Forced to Be Truthful – I am amused. I love it. The Karaoke war. I so ship these 2. You May Be a Geek If…
Disaster #2
I worked the ER during the aftermath of Hurricane Elvis in Memphis. Last night I got put on Disaster Standby for the ICU for Disaster #2 of my nursing carrer. I’m one of the closer nurses to the hospital. Along with the storms, there was a gas line explosion in Hartsville last night. Union University…
February 5, 2008 Untitled
I’m feeling accomplished tonight. I managed to add my stories & my stories to the sidebar of my blog. I had to run the Atom feeds through Feedburner to get an RSS feed that would recognize. And I’m playing with LibraryThing at the moment. I resisted making YET ANOTHER profile with…
3:10 to Yuma
Just watched 3:10 to Yuma. Typical western until the ending with some psychological mind twisting from the bad guy (Russell Crowe). But the ending is a real brain twister. I was going WTF?????? And it has Christian Bale (yummy). In my next life I want to come back as a pampered house cat.
My Y Rewards
I got an email from “My Y Rewards” which is a points program I signed up for at the local YMCA. You get points for swiping into the Y. Anyway it said I had 30 card scans last month. They lie! There is no way I was at the Y that many times last month. …
January 29, 2008 Untitled
Just watched the director’s cut of Troy. I really did enjoy it. Now watching Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix. That is the only installment I didn’t see in the theatre. It moves rather quickly, but it a large book. It’s becoming more obvious that Hermonie & Ron are together more. I…
3 Things
Three jobs I have had in my life: Shoe store clerk, Nurse’s Aide, Registered Nurse Three movies I would watch over and over: Oscar, Smokin’ Aces, The Blues Brothers Three places I have lived: Cookeville TN, Jonesborough TN, Memphis TN Three shows that I watch: CSI: NY, NCIS, Criminal Minds Three places I have been:…