The Queue: Super Sentai. BnDov3r asked: What would be your top3 story threads you’d like to see developed in the next expansion? Since I play Alliance: reclaiming Gilneas, reclaiming Gnomeregan, and reclaiming Argus. The Alliance has more exiles and outcasts than the faction that prides itself on being outcasted exiles. We should probably spend a…
Author: agd.tanya
Daily Journal: two big announcements on Twitter
World of #Warcraft Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar arrives September 10! — World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) August 21, 2013 I am one of the people very happy with the delay. Granted I still have to work the night of the 10th so I still miss the first two of my guild’s raid nights in…
WoW Fashionista: Tier 16
I ran late with the Tier 15 fashionista review. But this one shall be semi-sorta on time! First off the Layout of the images I took from WoWHead’s model viewer The Left one is Raid Finder mode. The middle image will be the model used by both Flex Raid mode and Normal mode. The right…
New Diablo 3 expansion
They have released the opening cinematic for the new Diablo 3 expansion Reaper of Souls Makes you wonder what they are saving for BlizzCon this year.
Daily Journal: Need to get back in the swing of things
Ok, I have been slacking on the Daily Journal again. As you may can tell by the Instagram posts, I’ve left Delware and traveled up to Vermont (via Tenneseee). I’ve started working on my WoW books again. They will eventually be here with my SWTOR books. I wrote the Draenei backstory chapter today. I’ve also…
Siege of Orgrimmar Trailer
So ready to kick Garrosh and his power hungry mentality out of Orgrimmar. I’m just wondering what the reason will be that the Alliance allows the Horde to keep Orgrimmar and who is going to be the new Warchief.And what is it with Taran Zhu always getting nearly mortally wounded this expansion????
Mary Fletcher Hospital
from Instagram:
Read the magnet.
from Instagram:
Where I parked& walked the 1/2 mile to the board.
from Instagram:
This looks like it should be a haunted house.
from Instagram: