Ok so apparently I mistimed the Alt Appreciation Rogue Week article and the dates is now active for Shaman Week. Just like with the rogues I”m keeping these all in the above level 10 to really consider an alt. Others are characters I toyed with. Shammybook is my seventh and newest level 90. She just…
Author: agd.tanya
Rogue Week of Alt Appreciation
Ok so I just found the blog’s Alt Apprecation thread going on. I have a confession. Outside of Wow Insider I don’t follow a lot of the World of Warcraft bloggers. Not even rogue ones. And this one is Rogue week. Though I can’t profess Book as an alt. She’s a main. But she’s one…
A cats place is on the interwebs.
from Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/flB82msjqR/
Main main, 2nd main, vs alts.
I enjoy having multiple characters to play. I tend to have my main main which is my rogue (1st character I ever created) and that doesn’t change. My 2nd main has changed every expansion. I tend to have an alt that I work on to the point that it is almost as geared as my…
Community Blog Topic: Should professions be account-wide?
Community Blog Topic: Should professions be account-wide?. This is quite a conundrum for me. I make gold via selling finished products on the Auction house at a profit. I have all professions maxed on my main server. This primarily was so I could provide for my library of alts. My server has a peculiar economy, frequently…
New pretty
from Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/fD6bofsjtA/
Got to love trying to go someplace you don’t speak the language .
from Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/e7eMqoMjg_/
Someone is feeling better.
from Instagram: http://instagram.com/p/ez3QWKsjpV/
WoW Fashionista: Tier 16
I ran late with the Tier 15 fashionista review. But this one shall be semi-sorta on time! First off the Layout of the images I took from WoWHead’s model viewer The Left one is Raid Finder mode. The middle image will be the model used by both Flex Raid mode and Normal mode. The right…
On Book’s Pet Battle Teams
A friend is leveling her pet battle teams & has her first 3 level 25 battle pets. This is a list of the pets I use on my Pet battle teams. All these are ones I use daily for one of the Pandaren Pet Trainers, Pandaren Spirit Tamers, or the Beasts of Fable dailies. All…