Well Todd almost has his $2000 together. So we are car shopping. I like the looking at the engine & test driving. I hate the financial crapola. Fill out credit checks & loan worksheets. Anyway found a sweet Dodge Intrepid for more money than he was wanting to spend initially. We are waiting to hear…
Author: agd.tanya
Ebo is no longer on welfare…… or my life moves to Little Rock…
Ok people. How in hades did everyone end up in Little Rock? Roderick moves there (temporarily) for Air National guard training. Ebo has gotten a job in Little Rock. He & Holly are moving soon. He’s going to be a teacher recruiter. It should be interesting. I should be interesting going to Little Rock. Most…
Today has been the day for catching up with people. 1. Susan, a lady I go to school with, called me to borrow a book. She sat out a year after our community class. 2. Roderick called me on the phone today. I talked with him a while. We’ll probably go see him next weekend….
tatianamikhail probability that tatianamikhail has masturbated today: 12% tatianamikhail‘s lucky number is: -4 tatianamikhail is most like the color #1750f6: username: by James
doll contests
I just finished my first doll contest. I was happy to have 5 entries. I have started planning my next ones. My Website I have a few entries in my next categories. I am accepting entries at anytime until I have 5. Then I will send out an announcement that there is 1 week before…
Okay. They talked me into staying at Methodist Central with a major job change. I am no longer mopping floors. I am in preop checking in patients. I can do everything the RN does with the exception of someone has to sign behind me. And any RN can sign behind me. It doesn’t have to…
Dumbledore 87 Percy 81 Hermione 80 McGonagall 79 Oliver 78 Harry 75 Ron 61 Hagrid 68 Voldemort 58 Draco 50 Neville 39 Vernon 36 Crabbe 31 Well I had my psych final last night and I have a computer test tonight.
I have updated my web page with my psych stuff from this summer. My website
Five more days till I quit! Yes, I have not liked my job at Methodist that much. I am mopping floors after 8 years of college. I am wasting my time with this nurse externship. So I’m just cutting my losses now.
It was a tie. See what Care Bear you are. See what Care Bear you are. Which of the Disney Princesses are you? What Psych-Ward do you belong to?