You are the grammar Fuhrer. All bow to yourauthority. You will crush all the inferiorpeople under the soles of your jackboots, andany who question your motives will beeliminated. Your punishment is being the baneof every other person’s existence, becauseyou’re constantly contradicting stupidity.Everyone will be gunning for you. Your dreamsof a master race of spellers and…
Author: agd.tanya
Stephanie Plum Fan Fiction
I’ve written some fan fiction lately. It’s been in Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum series. I’ll post them to my website when I can get them done in PDF format. I’m member of a group right now that has to write for a challenge story once a month. They post challenges once a week and you…
A night off. I’ve worked 12 hour shifts the last 2 nights. Tonight I had to drive down to my mother’s and fix her computer for her. Her software for Walmart Connect (her ISP) was not working. My mom had been trying to tell me about what was going on over the phone and it…
Deleted from lists due to boucing: -amelia_peabody-nefret_forth_1982,, maddogatcch, patsandy001 -gulley-family-ashley, atthampton3, ginger, ronnie, tammy hampton -lkh-agsoth2000, gie_dutcher, beardbitch2002, bloodyincubbi, buxomhuntress, clariceanit, ctjspage, deb002000, freebyrdmb, honour_sergeevascglv, icicle_kisses79, jademich88, jessrosewood, kimberlyann_77, kynan1967, queenamy9, ravenclaw_lisa, schalbunny, sherbie_02, boppinoppolous, speppavl_andrb2003, tambokin, paula_heddon _LCHSAlum-adgolf5312000, angiemashburn, armynurse8a, cardtaylor61, compute77, cynthiaccdolphin, hydra2355, hoppinhugh, jambone_16_16, thpcommo, troupster1 Reactivation requests: -elizabethpeters-denoon6565 -gleannabhann-fossie6, hippster72,…
Bouncing Lists
People I have requested reactivation on for my Yahoo! Groups: elizabethpeters-denoon6565, peter01756, shazw01ff amelia_peabody-nefret_forth_1982, eleanor_sharpe,, maddogatcch, patsandy001 gleannabhann-fossie6, hippster72, lady_barbara_sterling, lilith_deste, sca_mommy, nauglibower, renchaos1972, sperryw gulley-family-ashley, tony, ginger, ronnie, tammy hampton lkh-agsoth2000, gie_dutcher, beardbith2002, bloodyincubbi, clariceanit, ctjspage, deb002000, freebyrdmb, honour_sergeevascglv, icicle_kisses79, jademich88, jessrosewood, kimerlyanne_77, kynan1967, queenamy9, ravenclaw_lisa, schalbunny, sherbie_02, boppinoppolous, speppavl_andrb2003, tambokin, paula_heddon LCHS-Alum-adgolf5312000,…
Rings of Hell
Qusay HusseinCircle I Limbo Bill GatesCircle II Whirling in a Dark & Stormy Wind General asshatsCircle III Mud, Rain, Cold, Hail & Snow George BushCircle IV Rolling Weights Osama bin LadenCircle V Stuck in Mud, Mangled River Styx Saddam HusseinCircle VI Buried for Eternity River Phlegyas Militant VegansCircle VII Burning Sands RednecksCircle IIX Immersed in…
I got too looking for the Nakked Quidditch Match (Harry Potter FanFic) tonight. Gryffindor Tower.Net has closed! Thankfully the author has placed it on her personal website. I keep thinking I need to make a private area on my website and steal all the I attended my sororitiy’s Alumni Tea and Initiation. I had a…
I just recieved an email from my aunt. My cousin has suffered second and third degree burns. He was trying to fix a diesel truck and caught fired underneath it from spraying some ether. He’s running a fever, which probably means an infection which can be really bad with burns. He has 4 young kids…
I am a A Song Dragon! Hey, I took the online Inner Dragon quiz and found out I am a Song Dragon on the inside. In the war between good and evil, a Song Dragon tends to walk the fine line of Neutrality…. When it comes to the powers of Chaos vs. those of…
I start the communte soon. I took the job in Dickson. It’s closest to what I want. (ICU). But it means I live with my brother.