Heard from my mom today. My nephew went to the doctor today. He IS color blind. That explains why he’s having trouble learning his colors.
Author: agd.tanya
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My cats do this http://icanhascheezburger.com/2007/09/28/u-no-say-we-culd-not-come/
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In good news I took 2 steps today without crutches of any kind. 20 steps with only 1 crutch.
Protected: New phone #
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I got a Grand Central invite and used it to get a 770 area code #. Which I’ll need for once we move there.
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http://www.wellstar.org/ws_content/ws_medical_services.aspx?id=44&menu_id=106&pic_id=1812 Â URL I need to keep for applying for jobs. Once I’ve got my license
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I’m looking for an invitation to Grand Central (http://www.grandcentral.com/) so I can set up a phone # that will already be my Georgia # and I can go ahead and give it out and forward it back to my TN phone.
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saw doc. Start putting weight on leg. Go back in 3 weeks
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I am at the garage getting my air conditioner fixed.
gacked from I find it very interesting that nursing isn’t even listed in my top 40. But then again ICU personalities don’t necessisarily fit the normal “nursing” personality that I run into when I visit the floors. But I have a degree in my #20 result, chemistry. 1. Go to http://www.careercruising.com. 2. Put in Username:…