Just solved the “Furry Love” SL CSI case. That was easier than the “Flying High”
Author: agd.tanya
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Just managed to get through the “Flying High” SL CSI case. That was so easy seeming.
The Departed
I just finished watching The Departed. I can say I was expecting a tragedy, but not such a freaking Greek Tragedy. I wanted to watch it because it had some of my favorite current actors in it like Mark Whalberg and Matt Damon. On th mention the classic actors of Jack Nicholson & Martin Sheen….
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Adium now has the ability to use MySpace IM. This will be interesting.
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I am so shipping Tiva at the moment
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just staring to watch NCIS. I got such a laugh. Ziva comes in on a personal phone call. She asks Tony how to tell someone you never want to talk to them again. Tony just grabs the phone. “This is Ziva’s husband. Lose this number….” and goes into a tirade. Really it was Ziva’s aunt…
Writer’s Strike
CBS News Writers May Join Strike I’ve already resigned myself that my TV series will end early this season. Apparently Broadway stage hands are striking as well. I didn’t know that. And Thursday CBS News writers will vote on wheter they join the striking writers.
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Quote of the day “There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives”. Scott Adams
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past 5 am. I need to head out to the gym before I go to bed.
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another in the spotted on other shows I watch. Muse Watson played Mike Franks in NCIS and he was in CSI this week as the train yard controller