FanFiction.Net – The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia CSI:NY, a CSI: New York fanfic I finally finished it. I love reviews and comments. Title: The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia Author: TatianaMik Genre: Mystery/Adventure Rating: Fiction Rated: T Summary: I wanted to write a training scenario based on a old song….
Author: agd.tanya
Doogie Howser, MD.
Hulu (which is totally online viewing for me as a Mac owner) has Doogie Howser, MD!!! I haven’t seen this in forever. I have a feeling I will be haunting Hulu until the writer’s strike is over. Unfortunatly WordPress won’t let me embed Hulu code. 🙁 Quote of the day from Vinnie, “It’s only 1989….
photo.jpg Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik I had to talk Joey into doing a photo with my hat on. He didn’t want to put on the hat, but I love how he went to tip the hat as I was snapping the photo. Too cute.
Luann I was going through the comic I hadn’t checked when I was back home and I find this. I’ve shipped these 2 for about 6 months now.
December 23, 2007 Untitled
Family christmas went okay. Out in the middle of nowhere almost. Keylan was being an absolute charmer. What’s kinda scary is I used to babysit his mother.
December 22, 2007 Untitled
Watched today Keeping It Together Blooper GeekBrief TV CSI: NY – The Thing About Heroes Doctor Who – The Empty Child Doctor Who – The Doctor Dances Doctor Who – Boom Town Doctor Who – The Parting of the Ways I had forgotten Captain Jack Harkness used to always say “See you in hell.” I…
December 21, 2007 Untitled
Gotta pack and head out to Lawrenceburg today. When I log onto SL using the Windlight viewer I can’t see anything. I have no Linden balance. I was in Wilted Rose Today when this Blingtard gave me a LM to The Sexy Ronja store. Of course she was a No Payment Info on File. Even…
FanFiction.Net – The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia CSI:NY, a CSI: New York fanfic
FanFiction.Net – The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia CSI:NY, a CSI: New York fanfic I finally finished it. Category: CSI: New York Title: The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia CSI:NY Genre: Mystery/Adventure Rating: Fiction Rated: T Summary: I wanted to write a training scenario based on a old song. It ended…
I’m playing with Journler for the Mac. It’s got offline blogging capabilities. It will also check spelling which I desperately need. I got to test to see how it handles HTML code as I frequently do my own HTML encoding by hand.
A few films I want to see
I’ve seen a few trailers that interest me. The Dark Knight Wanted Jumper and of course there is a GI Joe movie that’s being casted, but I really hope the writer’s strike ends. I really want to see it.