Ficlets | Sick A story I wrote. I figured I’d release it as a Fictlet since it’s not really fan fiction. I’ll probably post the whole series I have written so far. Some parts may be mature. Feel free to add to the story if you feel like it.
Author: agd.tanya
Ficlets | Migraine
Ficlets | Migraine just the story I’ve written. Feel free to log in and write your own sequel or prequel to the story. My muse has abandoned me on this one. Migraine by You Danny sat in the living room strumming quietly on his guitar. Lindsay was asleep in the bedroom and he didn’t want…
FanFiction.Net – Mother & Child Reunion, a CSI: New York fanfic
FanFiction.Net – Mother & Child Reunion, a CSI: New York fanfic Title: Mother & Child Reunion Author: TatianaMik Fiction Rated: K – English – Drama – Danny M. & Lindsay M. Another story I forgot to post the link for. Read it. Review it.
Web services I use [GMail]
Gmail Seriously. This is THE email I use. What can I say about it? The Good (according to me) IMAP & POP protocols. If you don’t know what these are it’s okay, but they are just methods that let you use another mail program (for example Outlook or Apple Mail) to open…
January 21, 2008 Untitled You have GOT to read this. I laughed. So did Laura.
LoL Cats links
Got a lil 2 much I iz brave cheekin, no? SAT question: Godzillakitteh Dramatikdeth That’s odd…… Read them. They are fun
January 20, 2008 Untitled
Had fun in Dalonaga, GA (or however you spell it). Third time was the charm.
Web services I use [GrandCentral]
TechCruch did an article on web services that he couldn’t live without. So I’m going to do my own. Granted I did one earlier, but I feel it’s time to update it with what I’m currently using. I’m going to break this down into articles on each service instead of doing a long article cause…
We were talking at work about receiving patients without getting report. I remember this happening twice to me. 1) In Dickson, ER had called us for a bed assignment, they had given us Name, Age, MD & Diagnosis at that point. The charge nurse of the ER started bringing the patient through the doors…
January 10, 2008 Untitled
Used Skype today to call the recruiters. I really do need to use it more. I keep forgetting to use it. Granted I’ve got a ton of rollover minutes on my cell phone, but I’ve still got about $8 left in credit on Skype which will allow me to make about 6 hours worth of…