Ficlets | Writing I want to write something today, I don’t know what. Why do I feel the urge to write without knowing what to write about, I have no clue, but that’s what I feel like doing.
Author: agd.tanya
Web services I use [Skype]
Skype User Name: NursingStudio Internet telephony/IM/SMS. No one I really talk to on a regular basis uses Skype, but it’s great in that you can also call real telephone numbers. Granted they charge, but it’s like 1.9 cents a minute. I’ve been using it when I call nursing recruiters so that they don’t…
What Time of Day are you? Quiz
February 7, 2008 Untitled
The links of the day that I have loved and really feel the need to share. If Banner Ads Were Forced to Be Truthful – I am amused. I love it. The Karaoke war. I so ship these 2. You May Be a Geek If…
Web services I use [] What am I listening to? What music do I like? I love statistics and trends. Guess it comes from being a Math minor way back when. I tried iLike a bit. Didn’t care too much for it, but it’s supposedly similar to Plus it has internet radio similar to Pandora. It…
Disaster #2
I worked the ER during the aftermath of Hurricane Elvis in Memphis. Last night I got put on Disaster Standby for the ICU for Disaster #2 of my nursing carrer. I’m one of the closer nurses to the hospital. Along with the storms, there was a gas line explosion in Hartsville last night. Union University…
February 5, 2008 Untitled
I’m feeling accomplished tonight. I managed to add my stories & my stories to the sidebar of my blog. I had to run the Atom feeds through Feedburner to get an RSS feed that would recognize. And I’m playing with LibraryThing at the moment. I resisted making YET ANOTHER profile with…
Web services I use [Instapaper]
Instapaper This is something I discovered relatively recently from TechCrunch and I’ve enjoyed it. It’s kinda a bookmarking service, but it’s simpler. I still use for my main bookmarks and links to share. is the stuff I want to keep. Instapaper is stuff I want to read later. Cause life gets busy…
Web services I use [Flickr]
Flickr Photos sharing. I post all my photos here. Well most all of them. They’ve now added some simple photo editing features as well.
FictionPress.Com : Scenes
FictionPress.Com : Scenes She was taking him back home. He was injured. Far, far beyond the capabilities of medical care in the remote African village where he had been filming. In fact, with the sepsis that was setting in, he was far sicker than the capital city of Lilongwe’s best hospital could even handle. He…