Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 15:51 SL Fash Note: Spirit: More cheer stuff. I’m more of a college football fan than a p.. tinyurl.com/3qoryg # 20:47 SL Fash Note: Fall Casual: LaLa FooFoo has released new sweaters that are great for early.. tinyurl.com/4coq2t # 22:13 I still have lots of shows to catch…
Author: agd.tanya
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 05:21 @lethann girl are you still up? I get off work on 2 hours # 15:50 SL Fash Note: Survey: I’m kinda in a Fashion Funk at the moment so I thought I’.. tinyurl.com/5ehone # 18:48 SL Fash Note: New Accessories: Another Muism bag and a pose from…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 13:43 they have verbally offered me an extension on the condition that I move to day shift. I think I’m gonna do it. # 15:48 SL Fash Note: Archange: Photo Credits: Poses- AnaLu; Outfit – Archange – Yves – Autumn; H.. tinyurl.com/6mbjat # 16:13 McD has demanded pettins…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:48 SL Fash Note: Kid on Bandana Day: Kid on Bandana Day Originally uploaded by Sasy Scarboro.. tinyurl.com/5rclze # 02:33 Watching old Highlander episodes. I do so love that show. # 03:57 Catching up on diggnation # 05:04 @fancyfembot I caught a few episodes of Highlander the Raven….
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:55 I’m having problems with the Ubuntu install. Computer won’t boot from Install CD cause the CD-R isn’t the original one. Straifing runs a … # 01:22 Hell’s Kitchen is coming for the Wii www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B001B1W3HU/haremdancer # 13:22 I’m hungry, but I’m skipping a work lunch party. # 13:45…
Squirrel wants to play baseball
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rr6BIUjxJfw] Hey the commentators mention he’s faster than anyone out there. He probably even made the game highlights. It’s the Major League Squirrel.
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:39 Hmm. I’m really almost looking forward to installing Ubuntu on my parents old desktop. Gotta take the old photos off first. # 11:16 I found a Wii in Gamestop in Lawrenceburg of all places. # 12:11 Leaving work for I chould be home estimated around 5pm. tinyurl.com/5wsmv8…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:03 I’m at my parents, I freaked up my TomTom by New Highway pieces was not loaded on the TomTom so it thought I wa… tinyurl.com/5hflnd # 01:16 @Amelia_Book OMG! That’s too funny. If it’s on the tivo leave it for me # 01:26 Someone needs to tell…
eReader.com: Get 3 Complimentary Harlequin Romance eBooks
eReader.com: Get 3 Complimentary Harlequin Romance eBooks Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik If you read Harlequin Romance books you might try this. They have ebook reader clients for iPhone, Windows, Mac, Palm, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC and much more. 3 free books until 9/12/08. You just have to sign up for a newsletter via email…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. 16:49 SL Fash Note: Found in the Inventory: Photo credits: Pose – Reel Expressions – Shoes 01; .. tinyurl.com/5njlbf # 17:48 SL Fash Note: Goth Librarian: Yes, I had to do it. My top and vest are from Savvy and my…