Image via Wikipedia Little House on the Prairie, adults-only version | U.S. | Reuters This amused me. I loved Little House on the Prairie as a younger girl. No it’s NOT an X-rated version. In Finland it costs over $2 USD a minute to review a DVD for a rating below age 18. Little House…
Author: agd.tanya
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 14:55 I have done so much traveling with my patients today that I’ve barely been on the unit. # 16:52 I am so over it. # 20:48 At the local pub for fish & chips. # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 10:32 Awake. Not really sure I want to be. # 13:16 @Amelia_Book haz a store (for class) Interesting but way too business in the design, but she’s good a … # 14:25 I’m hungry. What do I want to eat? # 14:48 I think I’m going to…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 17:18 I am so glad I am off work tomorrow. # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 09:47 SL Fash Note: Church of Luxe: New from the Church of Luxe. Very interesting combination. .. # 14:35 I am so glad I went and early voted. # 22:17 Ok. CNN’s elction calculator map is addicting. I keep hitting refresh. Obama now has 207 electoral votes…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 08:48 SL Fash Note: Zullay Designs: I found this sweater at Zullay Designs and could resist pai.. # 12:43 Tag office. Check. Bank. Check. Drug store. Check. Still need to get oil change & lunch. # 14:25 @lethann Was I going to call you or were you…
I used to always wonder what would happen if you used a #3 pencil. Guess now I know. Thanks XKCD!
How to Elect a US President in Plain English
Since Election Day is tomorrow, I’m posting on how your vote works! [youtube=]
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:38 I have made it to the final world on Super Paper Mario. I quit at 8-2 for the night. # 01:39 @lethann my stomach problems are IBS flairing up. # 01:40 @GiannaBorgnine thank you for the well wishes. # 08:49 SL Fash Note: AyYaiYai: I went to…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 09:48 SL Fash Note: Yummy: I love this jacket from YumYum. I didn’t have to to alter the .. # 13:46 At the Fox Theatre to see Wicked. # 17:48 I loved Wicked. # 19:55 Wicked is awesome. # 22:28 My stomach has been majorly messed up…