+Ca$hing In Inertia+ Originally uploaded by vector1771 Another cool pic I found on Flickr.
Author: agd.tanya
Replaced by Plastic
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-W1QshsFQHs] This was such a great Lindsay moment.
Values of n Blog
Values of n Blog Today marks a fork in the road for this particular startup. Values of n, the company behind Stikkit and I Want Sandy, will be closing its doors. Both services will going offline at close of business (5pm PST) on Monday December 8th, 2008. Until then, they’ll be up and running as…
Ready for Company
Ready for Company Originally uploaded by hodge I found this on flickr and thought it was really cool. It’s supposedly Niagara Falls.
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:07 Reid "I never have any normal fans." # 01:38 Jason Alexander’s character on Criminal Minds is just great. They are fabulous at midseason drama. # 01:55 @demonasolace He’s a great character actor. They say drama’s hard but comedy’s harder. And the man started out in Comedy. #…
more animals
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 13:13 I am making out my Christmas card list. # 15:47 SL Fash Note: Pic of the [Random Period of Time]: Wilhelmina Gold Originally uploaded by.. tinyurl.com/6dgdcv # 21:01 Catching up on TV shows. I almost cried on CSI with the kid. # 00:04 Went to a Circuit…
Too Cute
see more puppies
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 10:52 @lethann Let me know when you guys get up & I’ll bring donuts. # 14:47 SL Fash Note: Church of Luxe: Photo Credits: Pose – Reel Expressions – Fashion S4; Skin -.. tinyurl.com/6n77lr # 15:09 @demonasolace Sorry to hear work isn’t going good. Hope it gets better…
more animals My cats always alert me quickly to problems such as this.