Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 09:05 I got CSI:NY seasons 3 & 4 for Christmas. # 09:34 Boo has cleaned his fur up finally. # 09:35 @2bestrong considering my csi ny addiction those were perfect Christmas gifts. # 11:04 Having breakfast. # 20:30 Merry Christmas to all. # 23:20 @feliciaday I love the…
Author: agd.tanya
100_1651.JPG Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik My great Aunt Onie at the family Christmas party.
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 16:08 At the rest area there are a lot of people with dogs. # 16:11 Boo threw up. He really hates car trips. # 18:27 Having to stop by Walmart to shop for my dad. tinyurl.com/9n5b6a # 20:07 @amelia_book Yay. Working WiFi. # 21:01 Yawn. Have had headache…
Zi6_0010.JPG Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik Begitty (or Grouchy Kitty as she is now known) is looking old & frail. She is 16.
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 05:28 Heat dish good. # 05:44 Internet is down at the house. # 11:24 @demonasolace Yay Khan. Glad he’s in the house instead of under it. Stubborn little brat. # 11:25 @amelia_book Do you have the airport express up yet? # 11:27 Just spoke with landlord. He is…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 10:47 @amelia_book I used my down comfortor last night for the first time since the heat was fixed. # 13:38 Lunch time. # 13:43 @demonasolace I hope Khan is ready to go inside when you get home. # 13:47 @amelia_book are they letting you on the plane? #…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 13:10 @lethann with what? Xbox? # 13:27 Kid at restraunt loves bubbles on my iPhone. # 14:19 Eating at the Brass Lantern. # 14:57 Leaving L/burg. # 17:48 I just had to block a road mistake Tom Tom. It was trying to drag me to the tree. tinyurl.com/6u83e3…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 12:14 About to head out to the family party. # 13:09 We’re the first ones here. # 18:43 Tired. Worn out. # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 08:31 Have to start packing for the L/burg trip. # 11:46 @ottom we are at iHOP now. As soon as we eat I am hitting the road. # 12:28 @s I will miss you. *sob* # 12:45 On the road again. # 13:21 @amelia_book blog. # 13:46 SL…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 13:19 Headed out doing errands w/ @amelia_book # 18:38 @demonasolace sad thing is I have to take care of little psychos like that. And I just want to scream dumbass at them. # 21:28 The first victim on Criminal Minds was Roxy Wasserman on The Middleman. (The Succubus…