Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:44 @demonasolace I’m sorry hun. # 07:24 I am headed to the house. Then to bed. # 18:33 Now that I am level 21 i’m considering getting a group to run deadmimes Thursday. Anyone on ER interested? # 18:45 @demonasolace you’re still big enough. I just have worked…
Author: agd.tanya
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 17:28 I love my Rogue, but I drew up a Warlock this afternoon and played a bit. Me likes. I get a little frustrated with my Warrior at the moment. # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 11:04 going out for cat food & food for me. The babies are crying…. # 12:57 @erroch Have a safe trip # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
brick Originally uploaded by kevinrose I just thought this was a cool photo.
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 07:38 Question for WOW: How do I turn off general chat? # 08:04 I just caught Old Ironjaw in Ironforge. Apparently he’s a rare fish. There’s an achievement for him. I’ve been fishing less than 5 min. # 10:57 RT @danabrit: This is major: www.cnn.com/2009/WORLD/meast/02/14/saudi.arabia.woman.minister/index.html # 12:14 Someone…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 11:18 1234567890 Day ping.fm/AmRq6 # 11:58 @lethann Yes, woke up at 3 am again…. grrrr…….. # 11:58 RT @danabrit: Lolz: tinyurl.com/dyevyg # 12:00 @lethann Yes, schedule this week was Mon, Tues, Wed. Worked Mon & Tues. # 12:01 @lethann A little slow today???? # 12:02 @lethann LUNCH!!!!! Let…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 09:20 Awake. Setting up laundry then foraging for food. # 15:13 @lethann have you eaten Lunch yet? # 15:22 @lethann sure # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 21:18 Boo is being JUST TOO CUTE! # 21:23 @jephjacques Ohhhhhhh. Book. Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # 09:20 Awake. Setting up laundry then foraging for food. # 15:13 @lethann have you eaten Lunch yet? # 15:22 @lethann sure # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:25 From a pt: "I want to take a nap, but I don’t know how to go about it." # Automatically batched by LoudTwitter
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 03:25 I just died and it was my cat’s fault. He was climbing across the keyboard. # 05:03 Someone volunteered to run me through the deadmines. Basically I just stood back and tried not to get shot. Or stabbed in the back. # 05:06 Yay! I leveled to…