Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 01:03 And I am DONE with Hodir!!! # 02:30 @erroch LOL!!!! At first I wondered which cat….. Ladye Grey or Rascal. Then I thought probably Rascal. # 04:22 I put a bunch of stuff on the AH today (hit Shadowfang). And it SOLD! Quicker than stuff before hand….
Author: agd.tanya
Achievement notes
Yesterday after midnight. I joined a PUG for a normal dungeon * Halls of Lightning Then I went exploring a bit and achieved * To All the Squirrels Who Shared My Life * Explore Blasted Lands * Explore Swamp of Sorrows * Explore Deadwind Pass * Explore Burning Steppes * Explore Searing Gorge * Explore …
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 05:15 I am wondering what time Dunkin Donuts opens # 13:21 @Billtcat69 both of the ones near us in ATL did. # 13:22 @Billtcat69 Which one? # 14:11 10 slots open for Naxx # 18:11 Grand Black War Mammoth!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FTW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! # 21:01 My Goodness that was a lot…
Arcane Brilliance: What Cataclysm will mean to Mages, part 1
Arcane Brilliance: What Cataclysm will mean to Mages, part 1 Raise your hand if you think the official lore behind the sundering of the Barrens should be “Chuck Norris decided he wanted not one zone chat channel devoted to his prowess but two, so he kicked the Barrens in twain.” The Mage columnist amused me.
BlizzCon 2009: Stats vastly simplified
BlizzCon 2009: Stats vastly simplified It looks like Azeroth is not going to be the only aspect of WoW that’s destroyed in Cataclysm. The developers just announced in the Class, Items, and Profession panel that half of WoW’s stats are getting tossed out the window. Here’s the breakdown: * Attack Power on gear is gone….
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 10:18 "Can’t talk now. " – twlol.com/tw/?v1-183166 #lol #ichc # 16:42 @Amelia_Book Oh I am so there. Heroic Deadmines. #WoW # 16:43 So what is the Worgen mount? #WoW # 17:03 I am probably rolling a Worgen Druid. # 17:07 "That’s faster than Ret Paladins can storm the…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 10:47 SLFN: So much pain: That’s what second life is for me right now. I’ve doubled my computer’.. digg.com/u1B4t6 # 10:48 SLFN: Actual New Stuff: See previous post for explanation of why I don’t blog much. Starting with th.. digg.com/u1B4t7 # 15:24 @erroch I think you travel more…
Fun, fun runs….
Image via Wikipedia Monday was a dungeon day. Started off with attempting Heroic Trial of the Champion. Let’s just say the results were less than stellar. It was mostly a pug. 5 of us were all melee and the 3 we got to go against were the Orc Warrior, the Troll Hunter, & the Blood…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:09 McD is having a field day with FOOT!!! # 08:09 @erroch I usually am awake until the sun makes an apperance. Then I am zonked. # 18:18 I thought I was running late so I was rushing to work. Get almost here and then realize I am…
Twitter Rambling summary
Just my random twitter scribblings for today. 00:42 @lethann But does Rascal miss him. # 00:44 Just traded in some badges of Conquest. Got a new neck piece. Epics!!! # 00:46 @demonasolace Very cool. Is she having fun laying waste and being a modern day viking? Just remember Pillage then Loot. # 01:14 @demonasolace hehehe…