Ok. Going to post a few photos from the Goblin starting area WARNING for SPOILERS
Author: agd.tanya
The Rogue’s Gallery…. Updated
Ok. Going over my Earthen Ring characters again & where they are….. just cause I like looking back at these after a while. Book my Rogue. My main. My first character. My first 80. My raiding character & uber dps. Mutilate/Combat dual spec-ed human rogue. 4 pc Tier 10 sanctified gear. In fact all of…
Cataclysm Beta
Ok. more spoilerrific photos…..
Some exploring in WoW: Cataclysm
Took Book & did some exploring in Beta for Cataclysm. Got some screen shots to share. Again spoiler warning……………….
I’m level 50… What next?
Image by Tatiana Mik via Flickr I personally view this as the hardest 8 levels in the current game (I hope this will change with cataclysm). This (level 50-60) was originally the last 10 levels of the game. So why did I say 8 & not 10? Because at level 58, I suggest heading to…
I’m level 30…. Now what?
Image via Wikipedia You’ll probably have noticed that the zone you’ve been questing in is getting easier than when you started. Mobs are now turning grey & not giving you xp. So your question is what’s next? Where do I go from here. Unless you’re following TourGuide or are leveling Alts you may not know….
What is a good way to organize my bags?
Bag sorting can be frustrating. I spent time fishing while sorting my bags one day & I managed to catch Old Ironjaw. Now I’m always a big fan of saving time so unless I’m on another server where I don’t have much social support I try to always get the largest bags I can afford….
Cataclysm Beta: First Impressions
I’m on US Lost Isles. Gnome Priest name Holybook (Book was taken QQ). SPOILER WARNING
What should I do first??
What should I try first in the cataclysm beta?? [polldaddy poll=”3420227″] Related articles by Zemanta World of Warcraft: Cataclysm beta begins… now! (destructoid.com) World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Beta Begins (godisageek.com)
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Installer
World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Installer Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik Some how…. Some way…. Cataclysm Beta is now being installed. This is hours after I received the Starcraft 2 beta. More being posted later.