[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SDSqZWN_V-s] Those of you who have followed my cat’s progress. We have a veterinary neurologist appointment tomorrow. I got him a toy today to entertain him. He enjoyed it. Related articles “Bronx Zoo’s Escaped Egyptian Cobra Found” and related posts (dvorak.org)
Author: agd.tanya
WoW: Goblin Hunter Adventure Part 3
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pg33t-AoIjQ] Playing the Goblin Hunter again. Quests covered include It’s a Town – in – a – Box Hobart Needs You Cluster Cluck Trading Up Related articles Goblin Fun! (smakendahed.wordpress.com) WoW: Vote the Adventure, Which class? (tatianamik.wordpress.com) Choose My Adventure Live: Level 30-34 PvP live, plus tell Roblinator where to go next (wow.joystiq.com)
WoW: Vote the Adventure, Which class?
[polldaddy poll=”4801559″] Ok. With only 1 person voting, I will be playing the Forsaken in my Vote the Adventure of WoW. I am eliminating the DK since I will be playing this on my second account which does not have a character high enough. I may continue my Goblin Hunter or I may not. I’ll place videos…
WoW: Goblin Hunter Part 2
More questing on the goblin hunter. Quest done are: Meet Me Up Top Warchief’s Revenge Farewell, For Now Up, Up & Away Hope you enjoy my video series. 20110326-101812.m4v Watch on Posterous
WoW: Goblin Hunter
Played my Goblin Hunter today. Still in the starter zone. Quests Gyrochoppa! & Precious Cargo. 20110326-101512.m4v Watch on Posterous
WoW: Working on a Vote the Adventure Character
[polldaddy poll=”4790820″] I’m going to try to start this up again. In the “Choose Your Adventure” style of play. Vote for the race that you would like to see me play in World of Warcraft. 🙂 Be it a brand new gnome, a Tauren, a goblin, or a dwarf. I need to do something a…
Of the Zynga Facebook games I play my favorite is Farmville. It’s not “energy” based like Frontierville or Cityville. So if I want to change things up that is 1 less thing to factor in. Probably my favorite thing is my “crafting” building. When you hiut level 25 you can choose between a bakery, a…
Mr. Boo is feeling spunky today but still dragging his hind legs.
Shot with my Hipstamatic for iPhone Lens: Tejas Flash: Off Film: Pistil
How do I use Evernote as a travel nurse? As a travel nurse I can change jobs & move as often as every 8 weeks depending on the contracts type. When interviewing with new locations with a new contract I speak to many people. I usually open a new note & make notes with who…
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