Zul’Gurub & Zul’Aman I’m looking forward to a few new dungeons. I’d love an Amani war bear. I really want one. Dungeon Finder: Call to Arms Since the bags are Bind to Account I can send it out to Book if I tank on Bad. Rare pets & chances at a mount. Oh my! Guild…
Author: agd.tanya
The Master is Gonna Laugh in Your Face!
A Sad Day, Lambuth University is closing
http://twitter.com/#!/tanyabook/status/58859791417749504 My tweet when I found out that Lambuth University will be closing at the end of June this year. Sad because I met many, many friends here. Colonized the  Alpha Gamma Delta chapter here.
Silvia Jane & I
HIP_324516211.882623 Originally uploaded by Tatiana Mik
McD stealing food from Boo
IMG_1389.MOV Watch on Posterous
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WoW: What I’m looking forward to in 4.1
Patch 4.1 while not bringing in a new raid tier (which means all your Valor Points stay Valor Points until 4.2 launches), I’m looking forward to several new features. Level 85 quest line in Stranglethorn Vale which features Hemet Nesingwary & gives a panther pet for completing it. With my main character I’ve always done…
WoW: Future Expansions
Just out of curiosity I wanted to see how the list of World of Warcraft expansions compared to this expansion. The first 2 segments on the list, the Draenor Set & the Northrend Set, seemed fairly close to the released product. With this expansion things change. This is what is supposed to be the Maelstrom…
Beginning of the year 10 Favorite iPhone apps list
As my friends can tell you I have a lot of apps on my iPhone. I run a little late, but I try to do a yearly update of the apps I frequently use. 10. Tsheets – Goes with the web service at www.tsheets.com I have to track my own hours & complete paper time…
WoW: Goblin Hunter Adventure Part 4
[youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5bSkuZNEfI&feature=relmfu] Playing the Goblin Hunter again. Doing the Quests Trading Up Biggest Egg Ever Related articles WoW: Vote the Adventure, Which class? (tatianamik.wordpress.com) WoW: Working on a Vote the Adventure Character (tatianamik.wordpress.com) Goblin Fun! (smakendahed.wordpress.com) Around Azeroth: We both reached for the gun (wow.joystiq.com) WoW Archivist: World of Warcraft beta patch 0.9 (wow.joystiq.com)