Every SL vendor I’ve spoken with has been nice. I accidently deleted the Left shoe of a pair of Black ballet flats I had purchased from Kitty Minogue. (Acutally it was a pack of 11 colors and a tintible pair.) Granted I could have used the tintible one when I wanted to wear the black ones, but I IM’ed Kitty instead asking her if I could purchase just the left black shoe. She just gave it to me instead. Now I was perfectly willing to pay a few lindens (probably up to L$10) to get another shoe, but she just gave it to me.
I also spoke with Tami McCoy tonight in her hair shop. She invited me to join her group. She picks one or two of the group to get the new hairstyles early & free. Granted I like her stuff but she overcharges to begin with compaired to other hair designers.