This came across the JC Freecycle group and made me laugh….
WANTED: Lady (Hen) Companionship
The Colonel, a stately aging white male, is seeking female companionship to ease the loneliness of the upcoming cold winter days. Age doesn’t matter, it’s just a number anyway, right? Color does not matter either, diversity is the spice of life. Come live in a penthouse while dining on a scrumptious vegetarian diet.
Human translation: My old rooster needs some hens to keep him company. He’s an older bachelor kept as a pet because I love to hear the crowing in the mornings. Even if your hen is older and has cut back on egg production, she will be kept strictly as a pet without any fear of hitting the frying pan or dumpling pot. The Colonel is not allowed to free-range because it is not safe for poultry due to the high number of predators in the area. He lives in a large room (for a chicken) in the barn that has a bright, sunny window and a perch where he (and his lady friends) can see out and get sunlight. He is fed on the usual grains along with lots of fresh veggies and clean mountain water. Have crates, will travel. Would like up to three hens, of course not necessarily from one home.
Thanks for your consideration.