Happy Birthday
My niece was born yesterday at 3:25pm. I had worked the night before and then got up right about the time she was being born. But I had to go back in to work so I couldn’t go to Vandy to see her. 🙁 I got to work and we suddenly during report got beds on 2 of the people who were waiting to go out to the floor. I took those two and transfered them out. Which put our census at 3. Since I was in overtime I was the person who had to leave and take call. So I drove to Vandy to see her. I went in in scrubs and everything. They probably thought I was some medical student that they weren’t familar with walking in at 10pm to see a pt. Then I went to bed around 1am. At 2:45am I get called to come back in. I had 2 admits to the Unit. They were overflows, but I needed to get everything done before day shift arrived. And I managed it. I’ve worked 4 days off 2 days work 4 days (and all that has been 12 hours shifts except last night).
I’m driving back to Memphis today. This back and forth life is driving me nuts. I need to find a job closer.
I logged into LochJournal this morning. (BTW 2.1 is much improved over 2.0 offerings, but still no spell check). I found that someone had added me to thier friend list . I went to college with him and hadn’t heard much from him since then. So of course I added him to my friend list.