Okay. They talked me into staying at Methodist Central with a major job change. I am no longer mopping floors. I am in preop checking in patients. I can do everything the RN does with the exception of someone has to sign behind me. And any RN can sign behind me. It doesn’t have to be the preop RN. It can be the case circulator. The Preop RN had to really do some talking to get me put in there, but she got through to the director of the OR and she approved it. So I’m in Preop, permanently until I graduate. I can pull labs and check them. I can interview the patient. Anestesia handles all of the IVs, all the meds, etc. We are just there to do paperwork and to monitor the patients in case something happens while they are in preop.
I got harrassed today on the way to work. Some woman was following me going “Excuse me, ma’am” Which around here usually means “Turn around so I can ask you for money.” I turned around, told her to leave me alone and then hurried to work. Todd went out and got me police grade pepper spray when I got off work.