- 03:31:33: Blog: Some links for the day http://digg.com/u19jDH
- 04:26:21: Wondering if I should try lying down or if I am too wired.
- 13:35:51: Yes, I am actually awake, However Boo has decided if he lies on top of me I can’t go anywhere.
- 14:06:39: I have discovered She-Ra on Hulu. I have a feeling Hulu will get more views from me now that I am giving up my TV access in Baltimore.
- 16:01:44: Mom is here.
- 16:33:26: My dad got the lawnmower working again.
- 16:53:08: Anyone up for dinner?
- 17:36:04: @demonasolace 🙁
- 18:35:42: @Billtcat69 ouch.
- 18:55:31: Texas Roadhouse is mom’s pick.
- 20:27:20: @_S_A_R_A_H_ are you okay?
- 22:24:32: Mcdonald (my better behaved boy) just pee-Ed on the bed. RIGHT NEXT TO ME!
- 23:58:16: Apparently now the FCC is getting involved. http://digg.com/d1zH5D
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