- 03:12:49: Blog: From Twitter 07-12-2009:
03:47:02: If there is a river called Denial then I’m swimming in it.
.. http://digg.com/u188hX - 07:21:45: Going go go pick up Boo.
- 09:07:01: Boo is staying the day at the vet for more monitoring & IV fluids.
- 09:43:23: @ottom Well, he’s onerary enough to chew out his IV.
- 09:44:30: @lethann Still possible small bowel obstruction. He’s getting excess IV fluids to make him either throw up or have a BM.
- 13:02:04: Blog: Geeky cubicle humour: From my college friend Icon. Thought this was so amusing I needed to share it.
.. http://digg.com/u18Cdb - 16:14:14: Going to go pick up Boo.
- 16:53:39: @ottom I didn’t see it on the bill.
- 16:57:18: Boo back at home. He doesn’t want to leave his bandage alone. http://twitpic.com/a9c6y
- 17:02:09: Rascal is unhappy to be knocked off his short term of Alpha. They are having it out now. http://twitpic.com/a9ct0
- 17:20:04: Going to go pick up Zaxby’s. @Amelia_book is watching Boo. Going to have to eat cheap for 2 weeks.
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