You are most like famous ballerina Sylvie Guillem. Trained at the Paris Opera Ballet, Guillem is considered by many to be have the most perfect ballet technique in the world. Like many things French, much of what she dances is strange, an avante-garde style of ballet using stark images and untraditional costumes. Her technical proffiecncy is paralled by her body type, which, with its endless limbs and absolute skinniness, is considered to be flawless as well. She is one of the most photographed ballerinas of all time, due in large part to her astonishing flexibility, which makes for pictures of impossible-looking poses. If she has any flaws at all, it would be her tendency towards a clinical style of dancing, which makes her appear cold. Even if you do find her to be lacking in warmth, it is still hard to dispute that Guillem is the closest to perfection a ballerina has ever been.