Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 00:19 I have my luggage on the bed and McDonald’s parked on top of it so I can’t move it. #
- 09:25 Book is now level 67.5 only half a level to go then I’m headed to Northrend. #
- 18:34 Headed in to work. Everyone else have a little fun tonight. #
- 19:55 @demonasolace it has been drizzling off and on but I haven’t heard thunder. And NP about the pocket dial. #
- 19:57 @Billtcat69 congrats on the level. Only 2 more until Devlyn is 80. #
- 23:15 Get ’em in. Move ’em out.story of tonight. #
- 00:01 @demonasolace sounds yummy. Take a bite for me. #
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