Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 02:17 Got my first Dalaran cooking award today. I’m level 66. #wow #
- 03:38 I hit Level 67 doing the daily Dalaran cooking quest of the cheese tray. #wow #
- 04:42 @Billtcat69 Yay. Congrats. #
- 18:53 @ottom Sorry I logged off so soon in #WoW. I was trying to get ready to head out to Fry’s #
- 20:18 @ottom I am up for food. #
- 20:51 Am close to Kennedaw. #
- 20:55 You know what? I want 5 guys burger. You guys are welcome to meet me here. #
- 20:56 @demonasolace am I picking u up at 10 or 11? #
- 20:58 @lethann she had asked me to last night but if you need shopping go ahead #
- 22:05 I just hit a opossum on the way to wally world. Got to pick up a few items for the trip. #
- 23:12 funny moment when @lethann & I passed each other in the parking lot. #
- 23:14 @demonasolace I was actually talking about her swinging wide when we passed each other. #
- 23:19 @demonasolace The charger for the blackberry is sitting on my desk. #
- 23:26 GoogleVoice is what used to be #GrandCentral they are taking waiting list people still. digg.com/d1m91M #
- 23:42 Is the current Doctor a cat? digg.com/u13xy9 #
- 23:53 Way too much cute overload digg.com/u13xzE #
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