Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 03:04 Considering the possibility of going to Fry’s on Saturday. #
- 03:11 @lethann how is River doing since her surgery? #
- 16:58 @Wyldfire42 Ouch. Just looking for a job upgrade or out of work? #
- 17:04 @Wyldfire42 Ouch. Sorry hun. I’m jobhunting for July myself. #
- 17:27 closest travel job currently is in North Carolina right now. But they aren’t placing July just yet. #
- 17:31 @demonasolace the recruiter & I are playing phone tag. Anyway I think it would be a pay cut to go on staff. #
- 17:32 @demonasolace k. Just remind me. I’m in a work rotation and my brain reboots when I get off rotation & I remember nothing. #
- 17:33 @demonasolace Oh & you should be able to view my work schedule now through Google Calendar. I think I set it up so the fiends can see it. #
- 17:40 @demonasolace OMW to work. @Amelia_book is in class. #
- 19:47 @Amelia_Book I have Troy on DVD at home. #
- 20:08 @ottom glad he came through it ok. Hope he heals quick. #
- 23:47 #WoW Tanya dueled 1116396157 on Hearthstone.:
It was a close battle, Book and Repulsive fought even.. bit.ly/svLi9 #
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