Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 04:24 Had fun playing my Moo Cow Druid tonight. #WoW #
- 07:04 Taking car in for routine maintenance. #
- 08:39 My car needs about $800 of repairs and about 4 hours of work. #
- 08:54 I left Evernote up on my laptop and a note just seems that apparently the cat walked over the keyboard from al…
dial2do.com/1pajd2r # - 10:12 @erroch Water pump, brakes, gasket leaking, not to mention I need a new oil pan, but the oil pan is going to have to wait. Dealership $$$. #
- 15:58 Awake. Have voicemail. Car is ready. #
- 16:09 The 3 words you’ve wanted to hear us say: Evernote…for…BlackBerry twurl.nl/0vtn6a (via @evernote) [No longer have my blackberry.] #
- 16:11 @erroch Not in the shop, no. Oil change, yes. Needing to take in to check on the coolant leak, yes. Thought it was hoses. #
- 16:13 I am woman without car at the moment. I always hate that. Luckily @lethann’s on her way to pick me up. Then after food, pick up car. #
- 16:15 @Billtcat69 nope it is still AWOL. #
- 17:35 Just picked up my car and now going to go mow my lawn. – Listen here ping.fm/fzUDD #
- 18:50 I have the yard done sort of. Didn’t mow the back but I did put down ant killer. #
- 19:14 I am proud of how much I have accomplished today. #
- 19:22 Amusing Character name "Greengotts". I guess Gtingotts was taken. #
- 20:28 Sebastion is trying to nom on my legs. #
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