As a human character I started in Northshire Abby in Elwynn Forest. I still like that starting area. I made noob mistakes. Wandering into a mob that I was too low level for. I discovered Murlocs. And three of us (ok we had a level 80 who was unarmed with us) did Hogger. BTW yesterday I went back and solo’ed Hogger. Anyway the next area to enter is Westfall, or as I think of it Depression Era Kansas. Everyone’s trying to get out.
Doesn’t it just look depressing?
I wanted out of there as quick as possible.
Anyway I ended up leaving Westfall and heading to Loch Mordan. Laura swears that the way I’m questing I’ll be Loremaster by the time I reach level 80.
The Loch
Sunset in the mountains surrounding the Loch.
And then I started playing some in the Wetlands. Question is will I make Explorer first or Loremaster????