Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 01:41 OMG ShadowCon has aWikipedia entry. Granted there are 2 diff Cons by that name, but ours has more txt ping.fm/n8oLh #
- 02:16 Amber found the thing I talked about here. ping.fm/lqd9H called Write or Die #
- 02:31 @Amelia_Book‘s airconditioner sounds like it is about to explode. #
- 02:34 @feliciaday but we KNOW you are actually twittering not some Web 2.0 manager. #
- 12:29 Boo doesn’t want me to get out of bed. #
- 12:35 @lethann he let me get up. #
- 12:38 @lethann I need to get cat food while we are out. #
- 12:41 @demonasolace thank you. #
- 12:53 @lethann on my way over. #
- 13:28 @amelia_book it does sound off. #
- 13:31 @amelia_book Lethann agrees with me after reading it. Something doesn’t sit right. #
- 13:37 @demonasolace job inquiry @amelia_book got back. #
- 16:50 Playing Ultimate I Spy with @lethann #
- 19:02 Ouch sorry @demonasolace #
- 19:35 @demonasolace where did you last have your wallet? #
- 20:44 @ottom ??? #
- 22:23 Currently working on RN continuing education credits online. Sucks that I don’t get paid for this. But that’s why I make the big bucks. #
- 22:30 Procedureal Sedation: Are You Safe? looks like a good place to start. #
- 23:25 Done with Procedural Sedation. Now on to ECG Interpretation: Learning the Basics. meh. I’ll do it for the 2 credit hours. #
- 00:41 Passed Basic ECG w/ 100%. Now on to Lethal Arrythmias: Advanced Rhythm Interpretation. #
- 00:50 @demonasolace I am so glad that your wallet has been located. #
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