Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 16:08 At the rest area there are a lot of people with dogs. #
- 16:11 Boo threw up. He really hates car trips. #
- 18:27 Having to stop by Walmart to shop for my dad. tinyurl.com/9n5b6a #
- 20:07 @amelia_book Yay. Working WiFi. #
- 21:01 Yawn. Have had headache all day. And boo threw up on the trip. #
- 21:45 Boo is cleaning up. McDonald has come out from under the bed & Rascal is about to challenge Grouchy for dominance. #
- 22:02 Mcdonald climbing on the chair twitpic.com/w6e3 #
- 00:16 @Emergiblog I had to call in sick once on New Years Eve. But the hospital knew exactly where I was. I was in a bed on the med-surg floor. #
- 00:18 McDonald walking past the parents computer. twitpic.com/w8h4 #
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