Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 02:20 Yawn. I really should get to bed. But I got several SL Fashion Posts completed finally. Now to start taking photos of more stuff. #
- 02:21 @Amelia_Book‘s homework of my portrait. www.flickr.com/photos/abc/2966693669/ #
- 10:49 SL Fash Note: Lalala:
I’ve had this top from LaLaFooFoo for an embarrassingly long .. tinyurl.com/564w2s # - 10:49 SL Fash Note: Drama Llama: Yes, this is the last stupid title you have to put up with for .. tinyurl.com/6hn96g #
- 12:46 Awake sorta. #
- 13:29 Catching up on CSI from last night. LOL Brass getting hit on by a guy. Quite funny how he handled it. #
- 14:43 I thought I recognized the older farmer in Eleventh Hour. R. Lee Emory. I almost didn’t recognize him without the drill Sargent yell. #
- 16:49 SL Fash Note: Jewelry Expo findings:
Lots of stuff coming up from the Jewelry Expo. It to.. tinyurl.com/6hbmvm # - 17:05 @amelia_book network is still working fine for me. #
- 20:41 Playing Super Paper Mario again. #
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