Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 09:57 Ok. What’s with ripping off all the UK shows this season. 11th Hour. Life on Mars. #
- 10:10 Ohhh. Danny Cannon is directing several episodes of 11th Hour. He directed several of the CSI episodes I liked. (I think he’s the "Boom" … #
- 11:22 Less than 5 min into CSI and I’m bawling like a baby. I knew this was going to be a hard episode for me. #
- 12:07 Trying to take photos of stuff from the Jewelry Expo #
- 12:08 @lethann @Amelia_Book Want to go to the outlet mall on GA 400? I feel like getting out and about. #
- 12:25 My cutie twitpic.com/fojp #
- 12:29 @2bestrong I kept procrastinating watching it cause I knew I’d bawl. #
- 17:48 SL Fash Note: Pumpkin: Okay working on the Word Association I looked up Pumpkin. I was sur.. tinyurl.com/3qgjlg #
- 20:09 Outlet mall shopping. Lots of fun. Even after 5 hours. #
- 23:22 @demonasolace That’s just WRONG! #
- 23:23 @Amelia_Book I’m watching Numb3rs. I’m cracking up. "You gave her our distress word?" OMG My shipping’s gone into overdrive. #
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