Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 11:38 Never fight an inanimate object. – P.J. O’Rourke #
- 14:47 I had to restore my iPhone to use my GPS again. #
- 14:49 Journal available to mooch… www.bookmooch.com/m/detail/iPhoneApps #
- 17:04 Getting the temp control reconnected on my car at the Best Buy car audio area. They accidently disconnected it when installing the radio. #
- 19:47 SL Fash Note: Miniskirt Match:
Pixeldolls sent out a freebie called the High-waisted Mini.. tinyurl.com/623mzr # - 21:20 Is it bad that I think I’m hearing automatic gunfire outside in the distance? #
- 22:39 I’m such a poor hostest. I forgot about washing the bed sheets until just now & @demonasolace will arrive around 3am. I hope they dry fast. #
- 22:40 @erroch Are you going to attend the Apple Store opening? They are supposed to be lots of fun. #
- 06:55 just now going to bed. #
- 06:57 twitpic.com/9kav #
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