Image by DavidDMuir via Flickr
Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 00:16 Damn it my OCD is acting up again. Big time. #
- 00:17 Hmmmm. Google Docs now has syncing for offline via google gears. #
- 00:37 After this week’s chores I am a Level 2 Ranger on Chore Wars. #
- 03:12 Got laundry done. Got the bed frame pushed back toward the wall. Got 6 more books listed for swapping. #
- 03:15 It is raining. #
- 03:33 @demonasolace 🙁 Sorry about the housesitter. We’ll miss u. BTW used any BookMooch points? #
- 03:50 I can now use CoComment again to track my comments on various blog posts. But got to use the bookmarklet instead of extension. Need FF3 … #
- 03:53 @Amelia_Book Do you still have Pheregan? #
- 03:55 @Amelia_Book You do have a nurse for a roommate. #
- 04:02 @Amelia_Book I’m trained in western medicine. Have a complaint, we have a pill. #
- 04:02 Ok. I really should try to catch a few hours of sleep before getting up to go to work tomorrow. #
- 04:05 @amelia_book I am a fan of the little white pill myself. Not all are pretty blue or red. Yes I did get the Matrix reference #
- 12:46 @demonasolace I hope things quiet down for you soon. I start another week today. #
- 13:13 LadyeGrey (the network) is dead. Long live Sasha. Next we start with Bill & Sarah’s cats names. #
- 16:11 I am now import of the store(?). #
- 17:25 I had ocharleys cheese wedges. They were really good. #
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For now will have to use the bookmarklet to leave a comment with cocomment. We are working on fixing that and make it compatible with FF3.