Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. Sorry @Amelia_Book
- 05:33 Why in H#LL am I awake at 5 am? #
- 05:50 @Amelia_Book LOL. Why are we twittering each oter we’re in the next room. #
- 05:56 @Amelia_Book Very true. #
- 07:07 I keep calling the Reservation line for the driver’s licnese place and I keep not getting connected. #
- 07:48 off to bdrivers license #
- 09:11 I now have a Georgia ID. It’s official. I live in GA now. #
- 12:32 The phone keeps ringing. I can’t nap. However, I do have a job lined up through Oct now. #
- 13:46 I have a burrowing kitty under the covers. #
- 13:49 watched csi: Miami. The text that Wolfe got. WTF’s going on? I don’t believe Horatio’s dead. #
- 14:51 Should I twitter the Braves v Mets game I am going to tonight? #
- 14:53 @scifirantergirl I have no idea, but I am curious. Wlofe seems to be their go to screw up however. #
- 15:18 @DaphneA I’d lose interest in twittering a pitch by pitch. I am not that much of a twittering fool. 🙂 #
- 19:33 Rain delay on the game. #
- 20:05 First rain delay for no rain. Now lots of rain. #
- 20:32 Good news. Will start in 15 minutes #
- 21:19 Bottom of the first braves up by 1 #
- 23:23 Final 6-2 braves. Mets injury on last play. #
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