- 00:10 Watching the Color of Magic #
- 00:28 Death is funny in The Colour of Magic. #
- 06:46 OMG! They’ve added Highlander to Hulu. www.hulu.com/highlander #
- 06:51 I am watching this weeks NCIS episode on CBS.com it keeps pausing. I hate this. #
- 07:01 CBS.com ran 3 commercials right in a row and skipped over a whole chapter of the episode of NCIS. Grr #
- 07:02 Hulu is being jerky as well. Must be the net conection here. This is weird cause I’m on my friend’s T1 line. #
- 07:17 7 am Hulu starts running smoothly #
- 08:39 It’s raining. I need to start getting dressed here soon. The movers are coming over with our stuff today. #
- 08:40 @Amelia_Book said the movers were surpised that she was driving down last night. She replied, "You have my bed." Where else to stay? #
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